Joe and Debbie W.
Joe and Debbie are from Palm beach area. They were up here celebrating there anniversary. We met at Hiram’s in the morning and headed to the flats and worked some live shrimp and some plastics. Debbie caught a few small trout. The action was a little slow. I suggested we try Snook. We headed and caught some bait. The tide was still incoming when we got there. We made a few drifts and no luck.
As the tide started to switch. We got our spot and anchored. The Snook turned on like it was August. Every time Joe would put his bait in the spot it would get slammed. Joe put his Keeper on the boat first. Debbie lost a couple before getting the hang of it. We had our limit in about 20 minutes. All together, I think Joe caught 7 or 8 and Debbie caught 4 or 5 Snook. Most of the Snook were nice slot size fish. There were a couple that were to big and to small. That was hard to believe they were feedind like that in the end of November. Thanks Joe and Debbie for the trip, that was a lot of fun.
Joe wants to know where his picture is! He won’t let me forget that he caught six and I only caught five.