Sebastian Inlet Snook Slaying! Kane, Rick, and Aidan. Kane has fished on the Attitude Adjustment a few times now. His Grandpa Rick and friend Aidan have not. We departed from the Inlet Marina at 7 a.m. We decided not to fish the flats and go right to getting live bait for the Snook and Redfish. We caught probably around 50 baits. The tide in the Sebastian Inlet switched to outgoing around 11 a.m. We managed to get there a little early and claim our spot. Kane, Rick, and Aidan caught almost all Snook, they got there 3 keepers and released several others. Rick was the only one to catch a Redfish. It was a great morning. It is always nice to have Kane on the boat. A good fisherman and a great boy! Thanks Joe and Tina!