Snook fishing Sebastian Inlet

June 29, 2015
Capt. Eric

Snook fishing Sebastian Inlet. Larry and his family are from Texas and fished with me last year. With the cold water being offshore right now we decided to just stay inshore and target the Snook. We started off at 8 a.m. catching croakers for the bait. The weather was nice in the morning. The tide in the Inlet switched to outgoing around 10 a.m. The Snook bite was on fire again. Everyone caught a few and lost a few. The Goliaths were there again trying to eat the Snook while we were trying to get them in. Don’t think we fed any today. We also tried the Redfish on topwater. We had one on but somehow cutoff right above the hook. The storms eventually rolled in with force and there was some major lightning and it was time to go. Thanks Larry and family for fishing with attitude for the second time. I really appreciate the support. Hope you enjoyed as well.


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