Saturday, 3/21/15 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

March 23, 2015
Capt. Eric

Joe, Jedd, and ConnorĀ  trip#2

rsz_20150321_195218The Redfish bite has been so good that Joe, Jedd, and Connor wanted to do it again and catch more big fish. We met around 3 and tried for some Snook but no luck. The Snook were just not eating. Joe did catch one big Red. Once the tide switched and started to come in we made some drifts and were hooking up on almost every drift. I can’t say how many they caught I kind of lost track. It was a good bite though. Lots of big Redfish. We ran out of bait around 8 p.m. and it was time to go. Thanks again Joe for bringing Jedd and Connor out fishing with Attitude. It was a pleasure to meet and fish with you three.


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