Monday, 12/22/14 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

December 23, 2014
Capt. Eric

Deb, J.P., and Aizlynn

DCIM100GOPRODeb, J.P., and Aizlynn are from Pennsylvania. They are in town for the holidays. J.P. is 8 yrs. old and is the fisherman of the family. His parents wanted to put him on some fish. We started of jigging around the Sebastian Inlet. He caught some Blues, Jacks, and 1 nice Pompano. The weather was perfect, with a outgoing tide starting around 11:30 a.m.

After jigging we caught some Croakers and pigfish. Once the tide stared to go out we fished for the Redfish. The Blues were so thick that they were tearing up our baits before the Reds had a chance. With some patience and a lot of baits J.P. was able to get a Redfish hooked up. It was a biggie, he did a great job with a little assistance from his sister Aizlynn. The Redfish was 31 lbs. Great job J.P. Thanks Deb, J.P. and Aizlynn for fishing with Attitude. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. Hope you enjoy the Pictures. Merry Christmas!


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