Wednesday, 10/01/14 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

October 3, 2014
Capt. Eric

Ted and Ted

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere were a few storms in the area in the afternoon. We had to wait till 3 p.m. to depart from the Inlet Marina. The tide in the Sebastian Inlet was incoming to 5 p.m. The fishing was a little slow before the switch. We did catch a couple of Blues. Once the tide switched Ted(father) caught a perfect 27″ keeper Red. They also caught lots of Jacks, a small Snook, more Blues, and Ted(son) caught a nice Keeper Red that we released. With the sun setting and it getting dark it was time to call it quits and head back to the marina. Thanks again Ted and Ted for fishing with me again. It was good to see you guys again. Hope you enjoy the fresh fish!



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