Thursday, 7/24/14 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

July 25, 2014
Capt. Eric

Ryan and Sheeva,

DCIM100GOPRORyan  and Sheeva are from upstate N.Y.  We were going to go for Permit but with some storms coming from the south we decided to just go for the Snook. We had a really hard time finding the Croakers today. We tried to fish some pigfish but no luck. We were forced to go and find some Croakers. We managed to catch 13 or 14. With the storms right on us, we stuck it out. Ryan and Sheeva were troopers and it paid off. They each caught 2 nice Snook and had a few more hooked up that got off. We were out of bait, totally soaked, so it was time to call it quits. Thanks Ryan and Sheeva it was my pleasure fishing and meeting the both of you. Hope too fish with you two again in the future.


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