Tuesday, 5-06-14 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

May 8, 2014
Capt. Eric

Joe and Jack

DCIM100GOPROThe weather was perfect. No wind, nothing but clear sky’s and sunshine. We departed from the Inlet Marina and tried our luck with the Snook. Jack was the only one to get a hit. He  caught a nice 34″ Snook. We gave up after about hour and a half and decided to run the beaches in search of some action. We came across a lot of small Bonita on the surface, they were really tough to get a strike. We must have thrown everything at them. Jack did hook up twice.  Next we headed out to do a little bottom fishing in the 60ft. stuff.  They caught a lot of Seabass with a handful of nice keepers. Oh yea the little Sharks were tearing up my rigs. It was a fun day on the ocean with perfect weather. Thanks again Joe and Jack for fishing once again with me.



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