Gary G.,
Gary lives in Vero, Fl. and is retired from the I.R.S. He has a boat and fishes a little and was looking for a few pointers. We met up at the Inlet Marina at 4 p.m. We went and caught bait(pins and pigs). Just before dark we finished catching bait and headed towards the inlet. The tide was still going out and was slowing down. It switched to incoming around 7 p.m. The tide switched again at 11 p.m. to outgoing. Gary was wanting to catch a Red, so we started off in the mouth and it wasn’t long and Gary was hooked up. He landed it and it was around 15lbs. On the next bait he hooked a monster this time and was wondering if that fish was ever going to stop pulling. After a bit, Gary finally got that pig to the boat and we landed it. The Red was probably 45lbs. Gary was pretty stoked on that. He caught another Red or two before the tide switched.
Once the tide switched and started to slowly move in, the Snook started biting again. On the very first drift of the new tide, Gary hooked up a nice 31″ keeper. Now what? back to Reds. Gary caught a few more Snook and a few more Reds. I even got one drift and caught a 37″ Snook. That was fun. Well at 9 p.m. we decided to call it a night and head back in. I ended up going back out and catching a few more Snook trying to get a keeper. After 4 or 5 fish I finally got one that 30″. Gary it was a pleasure fishing and getting to know you. Thanks again and I look forward to our next trip.
Eric, Thanks for the great write-up. I’ll bring my camera next time. Can’t wait to try night fishing again, Gary