Tom, Dan, Joe, and Alexandria
Looks like the last trip of the year. So, so long 2008! It was a good year of fishing, hopefully 2009 will be as good and even better. Well Tom and Dan are brothers. Tom is from Boston and Dan lives in Atlanta. Joe is Tom’s son and Alex’s(Alexandria) is Toms daughter. I picked them up at Hiram’s around 4 p.m. The weather was perfect, sunny and calm.
Bait was no problem, plenty of pins and pigs. Well the tide was outgoing at dark for the first hour. When we started fishing Dan hooked up pretty quickly with a monster Redfish. The bite was on. Everyone was hooking up with big Redfish. It was in the same spot every drift. We had plenty of double hook up’s. Joe and Alex did great at fighting those big Reds. Tom caught his share and Dan was pulling them in left and right. No Snook, only one fish that I think was a Snook but it cut the leader. It was a great night of fishing for the last one of 2008. Tom and Dan thanks for everything it was my pleasure to fish with you and your kids. Have a Happy New Year!