George C.
George was back and hoping for another day like last Saturday. The tide was outgoing in the Inlet and the Crabs plentiful again. Two dozen Croakers didn’t take long to catch. When we arrived at the spot it was different than I have ever seen it. No fish! It was tough fishing again. We fished around for awhile and only saw Barracudas. When we could get a Croaker past the Cuda’s and to the bottom, we couldn’t even get a hit. Well George did catch a Redfish that was 29 inches. He missed one other hit that was most likely a Snook. That was it though. I never saw a Permit all day. The weather was beautiful and the wind even laid down to perfectly calm. Well each day is different and this was another tough day of fishing. You cant catch fish from the couch and it’s fishing not catching! At least that is what they say. Thanks again George.