January 22, 2008
Capt. Eric



Gary Murdock (Virginia)

Awesome catch Eric! (Although the gaff work could be a little tighter…lol!). Hey, sorry about the Bucs…but the Giants took out the Boys & the Pac too…next the Pats!

Andrew and I (Christmas snook charter) and his brother Mike are thinking about coming back down 19-22 March. What’s hot then and how far out do I need to book?

What’s the best way to get some shirts before then? We want to come in uniform!!!!

Take care — look forward to hearing from ya — hope all is well with you.
Gary Murdock

January 23, 2008
Capt. Eric

Hey Gary,
nice of you to call me out on that gaff shot. I was just setting the fish up for the camera. For real that gaff sucked it’s not even mine. I borrowed it of a friend that was fishing nearby, it was a little dull. I’ve got more excuses.

Yea March can be good. It just depends on the winds. It is usually the windy month. But the night fishing is always good and the wind is not a major factor.
Give me a call on the Tshirts with the sizes or when you decide your dates.
Thanks Gary and I hope to talk to you soon.
Eric Metcalf

January 24, 2008

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