Matson and I
We met at Hiram’s at 8 a.m. We fueled and set off to find crabs. Well crabs were difficult,we searched and searched. Around 11 a.m. we had a dozen and decided we better go. On the way there we saw some schools of Bonita exploding, we never stopped. We were on a mission to catch Permit.
The fishing was slow for awhile. The later it got the more the schools of Permit started showing themselves. They started moving a little faster and were balling up in tighter schools. Matson finally hooked up and it was on. All the hard work was starting to pay off. Matson had a nice Permit, After about 15 minutes of back and forth Matson landed a 27 lb Permit. Well the fish started feeding. The next few drifts I missed two fish. On one I pulled a hook half way through the fight.
Little did I know that missing those 2 fish was gonna be a good thing. I hooked up on the next drift with my biggest Permit yet. Matson was going for the camera when his rod went off! We were double hooked up. My fish went out and Matson’s fish was going down. This was crazy we had the camera rolling and nobody to film. My fish was big, and I could tell that he wasn’t coming in for awhile. Matson fought his fish straight up and down and after a long battle we landed his Permit approx. 25 lbs. My fish was still way out and now I could bring him closer. Another 10 minutes of battle and we landed my Biggest yet 35lbs. We took some nice pictures and the video should be interesting. The storms were coming in and it was time to go. What a great day of fishing. Check out these Pics.
Nice permit!! I remember the charter that I went on with Capt. Eric and he took me out to the boils in Ft. Pierce, and the whole catching bait (crabs) was an experience in it self. We proeeded out of the inlet with a great feeling with what was about to come. We preeeded to tag team the permit and recieved a round of applause. With the right instruction from Capt. Eric we double hooked up and cought two of the biggest permit caught at he boils ever. Thanks Eric for the great memories and I look forward to fishing with you again. Good luck in your upcoming charters.